Dental Hygiene Session
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Dental hygiene is an essential component of maintaining overall systemic health. Maintenance of good oral hygiene is as important as keeping your heart healthy. This is mainly because oral hygiene affects systemic health too! Bad oral hygiene can aggravate diabetic conditions, and has even proven to cause heart diseases and even preterm labor! So it is of utmost importance that you get a regular dental checkup done to rule out potential complications in the future and this, is the motto of a dental hygiene session.
Our dental hygienists at Malligai Dental Hospital are specially trained, licensed practitioners whose fundamental focus is to carry out preventive dental care. Our dental hygienists will examine your mouth for signs of oral diseases and carry out prophylactic treatments to help stop or prevent progression of gum and tooth diseases.
What is preventive dentistry?
Preventive dentistry deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases/conditions at the initial stage itself before the complete onset of the disease.
What are the procedures performed in preventive dentistry?
- Oral hygiene instructions such as the method of brushing, the frequency of brushing, toothpaste to be used, flossing and prescribing mouthwash will be given.
- Examination of the teeth for signs of food debris, dental plaque, and calculus accumulation and to perform a complete cleaning, preventing further gum infections.
- Dental decay which is just beginning is also restored to avoid further spread.
- Teeth which have deep grooves and pits on the eating surface tend to accumulate food and decay. So as a preventive measure a flowable restoration, known as pit and fissure sealant is given to prevent food accumulation.
- Fluoride gel is applied onto the tooth to increase the overall resistance of all the teeth to decay.
- Sometimes, if you are found to be more prone to dental caries, your salivary sample is taken and assessed using ‘caries activity tests,’ and accordingly further preventive treatment is planned.
Dental hygiene information session:
Following are the dental hygiene instructions that are mandatory and to be observed:
- Brush twice daily, for a duration of not more than 2 minutes.
- Use fluoridated toothpaste
- Rinse your mouth after every meal
- Avoid consuming large quantities of sugary and sticky foods. Limit it to your meal times.
- Use a tongue cleaner to remove debris accumulated on the tongue, as they are a potential source of infection.
- Floss daily to keep the area between your teeth clean
- Change your toothbrush once every 2-3 months.
- Visit your dentist regularly, once in 6 months.
Why do I need to get my teeth cleaned by a hygienist?
There are certain regions of the oral cavity that are hard to access when we brush our teeth. Food accumulation leads to a dental plaque buildup and hardens into calculus (tartar) where now brushing alone cannot remove it. Our hygienists use specialized equipment to eradicate the hard calculus deposits on your teeth meticulously. After your cleaning, they will demonstrate as to how to remove soft plaque by yourself to help prevent the accumulation of tartar.
What is Dental Plaque?
Plaque is a soft, sticky film coating that forms on your teeth. The bacteria in the dental plaque nourishes on the sugars present in the food and drink. After metabolizing the sugar substrate, they produce acids that dissolve and break down the enamel of the teeth, thus establishing a pathway for bacteria. The buildup of plaque, will irritate the gums and cause inflammation leading to a condition known gingivitis, where the gums become swollen and tend to bleed easily. Gingivitis is the initial and earliest stage of periodontal or gum disease.
How often should I visit my dental hygienist?
To help prevent dental diseases, it is recommended that children and adults have their teeth professionally cleaned every six months once. However, there are certain conditions where the frequency of visit has to increase such as heavy smokers, diabetics, and patients with severe gum diseases who require particular observation and optimum care.
What happens on your first Dental Hygiene appointment?
In the first appointment, a thorough medical history is recorded and any medical concerns discussed. Following this, a detailed head and neck examination are performed, and then the mouth is evaluated for signs of any dental disease.Gingival health is assessed and will decide whether you need an extensive cleaning, a debridement or a deep cleaning (root planning). During the cleanup, your hygienist may use ultrasonic scaling, hand scaling, flossing, polish, and airflow.
What is the difference between Debridement and Root Planning?
Debridement is the removal of heavy, hard calculus (tartar) from the surface of the tooth, mostly the enamel, and specific regions of the root. Root planning is essentially cleaning between the gum and the teeth, down to the root surface, cleaning the entire pocket. Root planning will be advised only in advanced cases of gingivitis.
Why do other patients require root planning?
Root planning or deep cleaning is essential when a patient has deep pockets (space between teeth and gums) causing destructive bacteria and tartar to accumulate on their root surfaces hence progressing to periodontal (gum) disease. Sometimes, local anesthesia is given before the deep cleaning procedure.
Will I require fluoride application after my dental visit?
Not everyone requires fluoride treatment. Your hygienist will evaluate you and apply fluoride if necessary.